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 (sms, 02/2018) ≡ sarwan & darcy

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Sarwan Hosseini
Sarwan Hosseini

human // drink the water
célébrité : ben nordberg.
crédits : ethereal ♡ (av, bann, crackships, gif) -- sleeping at last, saturn (song).
messages : 135
pronom/s : il/lui.
annuaire rp : en cours -- darcy #9.

terminés -- darcy #1, #2, textos, #3, textos, #4, #5, #6 (skype), darcy #7, #8 (skype). / fb #1, fb #2.
Lun 1 Nov - 9:25

i'm sorry d.

i was an asshole.

thanks for bringing back the hat

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Darcy Flint
Darcy Flint

paranormal // walk the line
célébrité : giza lagarce.
crédits : av ∙ crimsons.
messages : 144
pronom/s : elle.
Lun 1 Nov - 9:26

ur welcome.

dont worry about it

i understand.

i just...

i'm sorry too.

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Sarwan Hosseini
Sarwan Hosseini

human // drink the water
célébrité : ben nordberg.
crédits : ethereal ♡ (av, bann, crackships, gif) -- sleeping at last, saturn (song).
messages : 135
pronom/s : il/lui.
annuaire rp : en cours -- darcy #9.

terminés -- darcy #1, #2, textos, #3, textos, #4, #5, #6 (skype), darcy #7, #8 (skype). / fb #1, fb #2.
Lun 1 Nov - 9:26

don't be

i was the ass this time. no need to try and share the blame. there's none for you :)

you what ?

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Darcy Flint
Darcy Flint

paranormal // walk the line
célébrité : giza lagarce.
crédits : av ∙ crimsons.
messages : 144
pronom/s : elle.
Lun 1 Nov - 9:26

don't be like that... it's ok, really.

are u ok ?

you looked a bit preoccupied

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Sarwan Hosseini
Sarwan Hosseini

human // drink the water
célébrité : ben nordberg.
crédits : ethereal ♡ (av, bann, crackships, gif) -- sleeping at last, saturn (song).
messages : 135
pronom/s : il/lui.
annuaire rp : en cours -- darcy #9.

terminés -- darcy #1, #2, textos, #3, textos, #4, #5, #6 (skype), darcy #7, #8 (skype). / fb #1, fb #2.
Lun 1 Nov - 9:27

be like what ?

cmon d, for once i'm not blaming you aha, why don't you enjoy ?

ok sorry dick text...

but yknow what i mean

i'm fine. i was just worried

rain didn't come home last night and i was wondering where she's been that's all

not like she would cheat on me or what but just worried for her

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Darcy Flint
Darcy Flint

paranormal // walk the line
célébrité : giza lagarce.
crédits : av ∙ crimsons.
messages : 144
pronom/s : elle.
Lun 1 Nov - 9:27

yeah. i know what u mean. all right then.

i see. i saw her when i left.

i understand you were worried.

everything ok then?

and s...

do u think we should talk about last time?

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Sarwan Hosseini
Sarwan Hosseini

human // drink the water
célébrité : ben nordberg.
crédits : ethereal ♡ (av, bann, crackships, gif) -- sleeping at last, saturn (song).
messages : 135
pronom/s : il/lui.
annuaire rp : en cours -- darcy #9.

terminés -- darcy #1, #2, textos, #3, textos, #4, #5, #6 (skype), darcy #7, #8 (skype). / fb #1, fb #2.
Lun 1 Nov - 9:27

yeah, everything ok.

was just a weird night

& i don't know d

i don't know what to say

i'm just afraid we would fight again

i dont wanna fight

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Darcy Flint
Darcy Flint

paranormal // walk the line
célébrité : giza lagarce.
crédits : av ∙ crimsons.
messages : 144
pronom/s : elle.
Lun 1 Nov - 9:27

i know, me neither.

but i just feel like we misunderstood each other

i just... i dont understand what made you so angry

you hurt me & i said some uncool shit and i just wanted to say im sorry

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Sarwan Hosseini
Sarwan Hosseini

human // drink the water
célébrité : ben nordberg.
crédits : ethereal ♡ (av, bann, crackships, gif) -- sleeping at last, saturn (song).
messages : 135
pronom/s : il/lui.
annuaire rp : en cours -- darcy #9.

terminés -- darcy #1, #2, textos, #3, textos, #4, #5, #6 (skype), darcy #7, #8 (skype). / fb #1, fb #2.
Lun 1 Nov - 9:28

it's ok i said some dick things too

i just didnt expect that yknow

& sometimes i lose my shit and this time i lost it

i shouldn't have stayed and talked to you like that i mean it was none of my business you can see guys if you want to

but i was angry at myself for the other time, and for the time before, and the time before that, and i... put it on you i guess

as always, i guesssss

im just wondering how it can still be friendship if we argue everytime we talk yknow

maybe you were right

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Darcy Flint
Darcy Flint

paranormal // walk the line
célébrité : giza lagarce.
crédits : av ∙ crimsons.
messages : 144
pronom/s : elle.
Lun 1 Nov - 9:28


u dont want us to fight but you throw shit like that

i mean im trying here

but you really insist on being a dick to me

i know ur angry but fuck...

try and understand how i feel

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Sarwan Hosseini
Sarwan Hosseini

human // drink the water
célébrité : ben nordberg.
crédits : ethereal ♡ (av, bann, crackships, gif) -- sleeping at last, saturn (song).
messages : 135
pronom/s : il/lui.
annuaire rp : en cours -- darcy #9.

terminés -- darcy #1, #2, textos, #3, textos, #4, #5, #6 (skype), darcy #7, #8 (skype). / fb #1, fb #2.
Lun 1 Nov - 9:29

??? what ??

i mean, you wanted to talk about it, what did you want me to say ?

i'm sorry i've been such a dick (sorry i still am apparently), and i'm sorry i gave you the impression that you couldn't have a boyfriend or a fuck friend or whatever he was i don't care

and i MEAN IT

what else do you want from me d ? i wanted to apologize, i texted you, you wanted me to apologize for smthing else, i did

fuck just tell me what you want from me

cause apparently i suck at guessing and im fucking tired to try

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Darcy Flint
Darcy Flint

paranormal // walk the line
célébrité : giza lagarce.
crédits : av ∙ crimsons.
messages : 144
pronom/s : elle.
Lun 1 Nov - 9:29

i dont want anything! i wanted to talk about what happened not get an apology. i was the one who apologized.

i just want us to be able to talk without u getting up on ur fucking high horse

and making me feel bad

if u dont wanna talk just say so

i wont talk about it again

i'm tired too

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Sarwan Hosseini
Sarwan Hosseini

human // drink the water
célébrité : ben nordberg.
crédits : ethereal ♡ (av, bann, crackships, gif) -- sleeping at last, saturn (song).
messages : 135
pronom/s : il/lui.
annuaire rp : en cours -- darcy #9.

terminés -- darcy #1, #2, textos, #3, textos, #4, #5, #6 (skype), darcy #7, #8 (skype). / fb #1, fb #2.
Lun 1 Nov - 9:29

i dont wanna talk

about that

i don't really think you did anything wrong anyway

i just feel like we're rubbing my dick moves on my face again and again

so, yeah, i dont wanna talk about it

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Darcy Flint
Darcy Flint

paranormal // walk the line
célébrité : giza lagarce.
crédits : av ∙ crimsons.
messages : 144
pronom/s : elle.
Lun 1 Nov - 9:29

fine then.

forget about it.

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Sarwan Hosseini
Sarwan Hosseini

human // drink the water
célébrité : ben nordberg.
crédits : ethereal ♡ (av, bann, crackships, gif) -- sleeping at last, saturn (song).
messages : 135
pronom/s : il/lui.
annuaire rp : en cours -- darcy #9.

terminés -- darcy #1, #2, textos, #3, textos, #4, #5, #6 (skype), darcy #7, #8 (skype). / fb #1, fb #2.
Lun 1 Nov - 9:30


thanks for the hat anyway

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(sms, 02/2018) ≡ sarwan & darcy

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